
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Pws quote

WALT To criticality evaluate media products and their potential impacts i learnt about fake media  and how real it looks i enjoyed watching the video and making a quote  next time i would like to another  quote  if you did a quote what will it be?


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

different types of media

WALT  Today we learned about the different types of media  
I leaned that majority of people don't have radio now days and some don't even now what one is 

I don't like this poster because my fingers werid because i've typed for to long

what Media do you use the most ???

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

what to do if you have a spam comment

We where learning how to deal with spam. I liked this actived because I got to use book creator that I haven't used in a while. How to you deal with spam???

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

player A and player B

 </p> today we had to describe a picture to a buddy i think it was fun beacause me and my buddy had a good old laugh that are things were so werid they i would like to do more stuff like that

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

quality blog post commenting

we had to identify and justify positive and negative blog comments
we had to do it with a buddy and decide whats a positive comment and a negative comment.
I enjoyed the activity because I got to work with a buddy 
what is your opinion on these comments? 

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

how to make a quality blog post

                            we are learning to make a quality blog post poster using Canva

 i kinda like using canva i got to have a play to around i think i still need some more work on canva. what did you think about my poster???

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

my pop art

Andy Warhole is a famous artist for his famous style called pop art.

We started learning about  new artist and there styles and Andy Warhol is one of them

I like doing this art because I got colour one of my fav cartoon character

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

PWS digital footprints

walt This is my digital foot print we learned that even if we delete something it will never go away.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

My first kis post

                               Today we did are first post added to my about me and W.A.L.T